We produce our monofilament fabrics to match the specified application which is often very varied. They filter, sieve, protect, reinforce and are especially characterised by their precise mesh size and high level of functionality.
Our multifilament fabrics are used where high resistances are required and so they generally reinforce and enhance the finished product.
LECOTex Tapes
Our tapes are tearproof, high quality and dimensionally stable.
LECOTex Natural fibre fabrics
Our natural fibre fabrics are made of renewable raw materials such as jute, linen/flax or cotton and form the basis of LECO’s product range. This tradition is future-oriented since today’s natural fibre fabrics are sustainable and well in tune with market demand.
LECOTex Composite
Our glass filament fabrics and roving fabrics are used as reinforcing fabrics in composite products and support the end product.